Newport Assists in Closing of a Middle Market Recapitalization Deal
The Jordan Company L.P. (“TJC”) announced that one of its affiliates has closed a strategic investment in Innoflight Holdings, LLC (“Innofl...
In what has become no less than an a family business endemic, some 50% of small to midsized business owners in North America report having no current plan fo...
The Jordan Company L.P. (“TJC”) announced that one of its affiliates has closed a strategic investment in Innoflight Holdings, LLC (“Innofl...
Article: 3 min
You have experienced the initial shock of the pandemic fracture, but the disruption is still with us. Now is the time to reassess and reset your business str...
Newport partners Michelle Jack and Martin Rosendale discuss the role Martin played as a fractional CEO for the Maryland Technology Counsel, pivoting them fro...
Newport partners have identified 5 Shifts that will shape your business’ future following the pandemic fracture....
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